Immunization Reviews for Post-Secondary Students in Alberta

Serving college and university campuses throughout Alberta. Our team of health care professionals are committed to keeping students safe and healthy during their studies, whether it's on a practicum, in the classroom, or for international studies.

Immunization Reviews

In order to protect yourself and the patients you will be interacting with during your placement, students in health care programs are required to have their immunization status reviewed and updated prior to going on clinical rotations. We provide this service to students throughout Alberta on a virtual or in person basis.Our pharmacists and nurses have completed thousands of these reviews and are very familiar with provincial requirements.For more information about student placement immunization requirements, go to the AHS vaccination requirements for students.

Our process

We offer immunization reviews through our clinic at a cost of $50 per person. Our pharmacists or nurses will review your records and determine a plan which may involve arranging lab tests, prescribing and administering vaccines or TB tests. We provide up to date records which are uploaded to your file on MyHealth Records.

As of May 11, 2023, you can have your Hepatitis B and varicella lab tests done at our clinic in Airdrie. We will be doing these tests on selected days of the week. Check how to book appointments for more information.

Student Vaccine Requirements

For health care students in Alberta, there are typically five immunization requirements that need to be discussed. Some programs may have additional requirements. Below are very brief summaries of requirements. Every student needs to be assessed to determine the plan for them.

  1. Mantoux TB Test: required to have either documentation of a negative Mantoux TB test within the last 12 months OR a negative chest x-ray within the last 6 months.

  2. Measles/Mumps/Rubella: required to have 2 doses of mumps containing vaccine after 12 months of age. Testing for mumps immunity is not considered acceptable in Alberta.

  3. Varicella (Chicken Pox): required to have either 2 documented valid doses of varicella vaccine or laboratory confirmed immunity

  4. Tetanus/Diphtheria/Pertussis: required to have a documented primary series and a dose of pertussis containing vaccine after the age of 18 and less than 10 years ago.

  5. Hepatitis B: 3 documented doses with laboratory documented immunity are required

  6. Polio (new in 2024): required to have a documented primary series and a dose of polio containing vaccine after the age of 18 and at least 10 years after primary series.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you access my out of province vaccine history?
No, we only have access to Alberta vaccine records. Even those records are limited and won't have older records. To access your vaccine records from another province, try the links below:

We aren't able to access any out of country records. If you can provide them, we can review them even if they are in another language.
Why do I need two appointment times for a Mantoux TB test?
A Mantoux TB test requires two visits: At the first appointment, the test is administered (an injection just under the skin in the forearm). The second appointment must be 48-72 hours later to read the test results.
Some programs require a "two step test" which involves a repeat test 7-28 days after the first test.
What happens if my TB test is positive?
A positive TB test looks like a big mosquito bite. If the test is positive, a follow up chest x-ray will be needed.
What if I have had a previously positive Mantoux TB test?
If you've had a positive test at any time in the past, it is likely you will test positive again. We would usually recommend getting a chest x-ray arranged.
Where do I get lab tests done?
You can book at any lab in Alberta. Check the Alberta Precision Laboratories website on how to book an appointment. As another option for our patients, we are able to draw these lab tests at our clinic in Airdrie (effective May 11, 2023).
Do I have to pay for lab tests?
If you go to Dynacare/Alberta Precision Laboratories, lab tests are typically covered as part of your provincial health care even if you have out of province coverage. If you choose to have your lab tests done at our location, there is a $35 charge.

How to Book Appointment

We are able to do immunization reviews virtually or in person. We have found that the virtual appointments can be very convenient. We can create a plan before you ever need to visit.If you aren't able to attend our clinic in person in Airdrie, we can still arrange a plan with you, including lab work and a prescription for what you need. It would be up to you to make arrangements with a local public health unit or pharmacy to enact the plan.

Click to book virtual immunization review
Click to book in person immunization review
Click to book blood test for immunity

If you have any questions, fill out the contact form or call 403-980-8747.

Contact Us

If you would like to get in touch, use the form below or call us at (403)980-8747

© Campus Vaccines and Polaris Travel Clinic and Pharmacy. All rights reserved.

Campus Vaccines is based out of Polaris Travel Clinic and Pharmacy in Airdrie. Our main website is at


The services and content provided in this website are made available and distributed on an “as is” basis. The services and its contents are being used at your own risk.In no event shall Polaris Travel Clinic and Pharmacy be liable for any damage, liability, loss or claim or for any indirect, incidental or consequential damages arising from the use of the services or contents of this website.Polaris Travel Clinic and Pharmacy recommends you consult with a health care provider who can work collaboratively with your family doctor, especially if you have underlying health problems.

We can work directly with a school or program to ensure all students are up to date with requirements

Sending students on clinical rotations is a key element in most health care provider education. Your school needs to make sure that students are meeting the AHS requirements. Why not leave this to the experts? We have done thousands of immunization reviews and have managed entire classes to ensure they meet their requirements.

It doesn't matter where you are located in Alberta, we can assist you! We can arrange to see your students via virtual appointment and let them know what needs to be updated.

  • Lab requisitions can be provided that can be taken to the local lab. We will contact the student when we get the results.

  • If vaccines are required, we can send a prescription to a local pharmacy to have it administered.

Contact us at 403-980-8747 or via our contact form for more information.